Somethimg very very very bad
1)When you are taking a nice hot shower and out of nowhere the water turns to cold, respond by screaming "A-Shaft!"
2)Nuclear Bomb
3)Talking to Yoni
4)When Peter gives you the wrong answer
by Larry T May 3, 2007
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The shaft is my best tool to use on a girl
by MCRedstoner_115 February 21, 2015
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1)To get slammed up the colon by someone else. Skewerd in the anus with a pole.
2)Getting fucked over hard by someone.
DUDE, Ms. Fucktard shafted me so hard today, she pulled a suprize test on us and i didnt know fucking shit.

by Dildo master June 11, 2003
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1)Nothing, Zero, Zilch
See: the shaft
2) the worse possible situation to be stuck in
1)Everybody else got an nice big bonus check, but Dave got The Shaft.
2) Between getting fired, evicted, arrested, beaten-up, and robbed, this week has been the shaft. Maybe New york isn't the best place for me.
by pythonspam November 7, 2003
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jack got shafted jill but she came back with a painful counter-shaft
by Anonymous March 16, 2003
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roots from "shaft" (the long part of the penis)
to be owned by one's insults
raped (figuratively)
O shit, you just got shafted!
by Billy Blowjob Jo February 26, 2008
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When you become possessed by Dracula through the means of the wizard Shaft.
1. Sorry Maria, I got shafted!
by Richter Belmont 23 March 26, 2019
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