The act of Dustin Petrovits settling in a large, rough peice of man ass.
Dustin Petrovits is a scrotum breathed, sausage smoking, butt ranching, homo-erotic cock jocky. Fuck You spick monkey!
by Jesus August 1, 2004
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Another word for 'Eye Candy' for an average Joe type of guy
Did you see Jolly Rancher walk by the other day? He's looked so hot in those jeans!
by cinna8unn February 25, 2010
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1. Another word for pimp or one who uses human collateral either for sex or non-sexual favors in return for money.

2. Any one (possibly 2) individuals in a group of same or opposite sex 'friends' (EG: Girl in a mantourage) that seem to be the center of the groups' affections.

3. Any same sex partner who is participating in multiple, intimate relationships.
1. "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas - now tell me where I can find the local Ass Rancher!"

2. "Look at all of those guys fawning all over her - she's quite the Ass Rancher!"

3. "I dumped him after I found out he was such an Ass Rancher!"
by Paradox Smith February 16, 2007
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one who goes out and looks for people on the street who will have an oragy with him/her usually conststing of 5 or more peoples. Also may involve animals.
"Dude, that nympho rancher just tried to get me to join his slut gang."
by patty-o-pinch-me-youdie March 11, 2003
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An irrection, boner
"Oh man I got a jolley rancher."

"Oh god! Go walk that off!"
by Ime Daman July 13, 2008
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