A great song made by ParagonX9 on Newgrounds. It's claimed to have 240 BPM and has a wintry feel, hence the name polar 240.
Guy: Hey, Bob, come here!
Friend: Yeah?
Guy: Listen to this song called polar 240, isn't it great?
Friend: Hell yeah! I'll get my metronome to see if it really is 240 BPM.
by yahmoo 23 February 15, 2010
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A mental Disorder that is caused directly from the consumption of Beer(or any other alcoholic beverages). The characteristics of this affliction are very easy to recognize, ie. the transformation a generally nice and hospitible person to a blubbering lunatic who's every emotional scar and guitly conscience has taken control of them.
"That chicks O.K. when she is sober, but after a few drinks she becomes completely beer polar"
by Eyville April 11, 2008
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The Polar Express is a 1985 children's book (ISBN 0-86264-143-8) written and illustrated by Chris Van Allsburg, a former professor at the Rhode Island School of Design.
Guy 1: Yo, have you read The Polar Express?

Guy 2: Yeah, man, it's the shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
by yoloboyswag420 August 9, 2014
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To suddenly shift from being warm, friendly, outgoing, and even loving, to being stand-offish and out of touch without any observable (or reasonable) trigger. Usually occurs in the early stages of a relationship.
A: So did butt-knocker call you today?

J: No, haven't heard from him.

A: Since when?

J: Since, like, three days ago.

A: What happened? He was like, totally stalking you. Did he just, like, go polar or what?

J: Let's smoke a bowl and eat some Scoops.
by JohnnyAZ May 24, 2006
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Jumping into the ocean in the morning. Not only crazy, but freezing.
Polar bearing: the pins and needles feeling that you get when you're sitting on your leg is the feeling you get all over when you jump into the water that early.
by your solar eyes October 7, 2006
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Its when you put your partners head in a toilet full of ice water then flush it while doing them from behind.
Hey did hear Nate gave that girl at the party a polar swirly this weekend
by Bdiddy0069 November 4, 2018
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Life is endless battle and conflict, and you cannot fight effectively unless you can identify your enemies. Learn to smoke out your enemies, to spot them by the signs and patterns that reveal hostility. Then, once you have them in your sights, inwardly declare war. Your enemies can fill you with purpose and direction.
Jenn had the mind for The Polarity Strategy.
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd September 1, 2019
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