Ever since we hired our 'mo pair, the kids have been so well dressed!
by puckinsf June 23, 2011
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insult to someone behaving in a wimpy, timid or particualrly cowardly manner according to the speaker. Used in the distant tense.
"That player is always away from the ball in every play - He should get a pair."
by D F Stuckey March 4, 2004
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A drama pair is a combination of words, ideas, objects, groups of people, etc that always results in drama. Frequently used for trolling.
Linux vs Windows is a drama pair; Christians vs. Atheists; Microsoft vs Apple
by Spirit Bear June 25, 2007
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A pair of Scott's are uneven testicles, one bald and one hairy
As she went down for a blowjob she discovered a pair of scotts.
by a1sjb-2 February 9, 2022
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Someone exhibiting an unprecedented (perhaps irrational) level of ballsy often seeming is if the exhibitor borrowed someone else's testicular pair to summon the ability to exert said level of ballsy.
Borrowed Pair-I can't imagine Mike tried to have the boss get fired. I wonder who's pair he borrowed to try doing that? Borrowed Pair
by Qban May 5, 2006
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The cheapest nanny in USA. Duties: taking care of kids and pets, cleaning, cooking. Working for 4$\h in the name on cultural experience. Ripped off by host family.
Host mother: Our Au pair should take the dog out.
Host father: Just tell her she's a member of the family. She will be more eager to do it.

Host mother: Buying food for Au pair will be expensive.
Host father: Oh... she should buy it herself. We will give her leftovers.

Host mother: It will be 200$ for hotel for a dog while we will be on vacation with kids.
Host father: Au pair will be taking care of the dog. She's not going with us anyways.
by Aroundandaround November 10, 2018
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