women who are in their mid-age or older with fierce and tough personality.
Peter: Gee! That woman is a battlefield axe!
John: Totally! She yelled at me like she is crazy for nothing!
by DeepBluenyc January 27, 2010
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A game that no matter how many times ea releases patches for it, it's still fucked up.
I have a nvidia geforce 6800XT and STILL get choppy graphics and lag Thats battlefield 2's patches for yah!
by imjustapoorboynobodylovesme December 1, 2006
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A mod for Battlefield 1942, see bf40k. The game involves you running around as a Warhammer 40K infantry and entering classic Warhammer 40K vehicles from each team.
Guy 1: Hey, have you seen Battlefield 40k?

Guy 2: Hell Yeah, I'm an alpha tester

Guy 1: You lucky bastard, I only registered on their forums, which I found linked from www.Battlefield40K.com
by Hawk January 7, 2005
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the newest game in the awsome battlefield series.takes place in vietnam(duh)and lets you fly choppers, shoot m16s, and drive in big boats.(in otherwords, serious fun)
timmy555:whoa dude!i just blew that chopper up witha mortar!awsome!
by the rekad playa June 28, 2004
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Possibly one of the worst movies ever made. In the movie, Earth's military forces get run over by Psychlos (guys who look like the Klingon variant of Jamaican people) and the Earth gets taken over. 200 years later, some guy named Jonnie 'Goodboy' Tyler gets captured by the Psychlos, who are SO stupid that they teach him how to read, write, and fly transport vehicles, so using his brilliant intellect, Jonnie goes to Fort Knox to get gold for the Psychlos, then goes to Fort Knox, where he gets fighter jets (that are still working after 200 years) and gets a guy to transport himself to the Psychlo home planet, where said guy nukes everything with ONE bomb. Killed John Travolta's acting career.
Terl (played by John Travolta): "It's all about leverage!"
by crazyrabbits May 10, 2005
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A Battlefield game that is supposedly set is World War Two. It may be a mediocre Battlefield game and a not so good World War Two Game, but it's not as bad as Call Of Duty World War 2.
{Gamer 1}: Battlefield 5 has a lot of problems.
{Gamer 2}: At least it isn't as bad as COD WW2!
by Hob Nobben July 29, 2019
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The game that won the hearts of many players to convert themselves to it. MW3 is a piece of shit that tore my heart when i was hoping at least a good story line for the SP like all the previous MW series. thanks to the blunder of activision and Infinity wards having their top guys called off and made Sledge hammer to finish the game with what they had for the series previously it ended the series badly.
Me: i hope mw3 would have good story line.
*watches gameplay walkthrough*
Me: shit! glad i bought battlefield 3 cause the multiplayer had gone downhill since mw2.
by xFreakyDudex June 12, 2012
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