To overthink something, the way that a nuclear scientist would think about how to flush the toilet after having to wipe his ass with an entire roll of toilet paper.
"God damnit don't fuckin' nuke it man, just flush the damn thing!"
by free_refil July 7, 2005
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What Kim Jong Un dreams about doing to the United States, yet his own missiles do not have the capability to fly past Japan.
United States: lol what a noob he didn't even get past Japan

North Korean Military Officer: Ok
*5 Minutes later
by Yo Mama 694201738 August 14, 2017
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To utterly destroy a kingdom in RaceWarKingdoms for profit, fun, or because the bitch pissed you off
Almo nuked me! OMGWTFBBQ

Krom has stealthily attacked Questo's kingdom destroying 1% of its assets.
by RWK February 12, 2005
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Nuke is the greatest tool of peace ever made. It prevent wars and, then it the war starts, nuke finish it quickly.

Nuking Stuff has proven popular over the last few years, especially with nazis, right-wing religious groups and crazed uncles. By far, the most popular nuking method is the old 'drop a nuke' but there are also such more intelligent methods, used by people like George Bush - these include 'get a clever person to plan it for you'.

Nuking stuff to music has also recently become very popular. 'Nuke Music' consists of terrorist bands such as System of a Down, Rage Against the Machine and N-Sync. Professional nukers will also listen to Britney Spears, but this is only for advanced nukers. Another skill often attempted by Nukers is NUKING IN TIME TO MUSIC. This type of nuking involves a rhythm and a beat, and plenty of time and effort. Nukes are launched by correctly stepping on one of four arrows at the right time, the more preciseley the arrow is stepped on the more people are killed. A good Nuker can kill a few billion people (hell, it's China) in one round (a full war takes three rounds).
Nuclear recipe

Here is a recipe to a nuke i found in the oval office

2 kilo's uranium 2 kilo's pie 1 very big empty bomb 60,000 cookies 1 G. bush 1 land to nuke 0 braincells Much insanity

To make:

1. Mix the uranium with the pppie and put it in george bush.

2. Then, after a day, take bush his shit and put it in the bomb.

3. Add cookies

4. Drop it at the land you selected


The small letter: Uranium can only be found in bush his secret bunker or the planet ur-anus.
by kodiac1 July 13, 2006
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to stink up bathroom so bad that cocroachs tak cover
i nuked it
by Anonymous September 5, 2003
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2.a nuclear explosive
A.a means of keeping the japanese in line
B.a way to turn the Middle East into a giant glass parking lot.
"Im gonna nuke this hot pocket."
"We're gonna nuke yo' asses back to the stone age."- President George W. Bush (shrub)

by Fatass February 14, 2003
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A dollar store where they sell Kim Jong Un nukes for practically free. If for some reason Donald Trump were to go in, they'd fight over the Little Boi in aisle 4.
Example: Kim Jong Un: Can ai get du reely bic boi in du ayur foa.
Donald Trump: *steps foot into Nuke-A-Nuke*
I'll have a Little Boy in aisle 4.
Kim Jong Un: It's pronounced BIC BOI!
by Nuke-A-Nuke November 23, 2019
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