A term used in the seduction world; it is the act of being seen in the field with other women. This concept can also take on other forms of display such as, entertaining groups of people, being the life of the party, making people laugh..etc. This type of social evidence gives the player a perceived higher social value in the eyes of other females.
"Hey check out that guy with two hot babes around his arms, man he's got some social proof!"
by Bobby Lee - PUA August 28, 2006
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Creating a safe and sound proof atmosphere in which to have sex. Minimizing the exposure of corners and getting the bed to stop squeaking
Jessica is sex proofing her room by putting pillows between the four poster bed and the wall so it wouldn't make to much noise
by Wiggily Tiger December 22, 2008
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Making a machine or contraption in a way that even Grian or someone who doesn't know what they're doing can't break it by spamming input buttons or leavers, typically in Minecraft.
"This piston feed tape color combination piston door is Grian-proof"
by DiamondDev September 12, 2019
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Exceptionally smart people doing incredibly dumb things.
Doug could you update the document so Jason can submit it to a customer without reading it or knowing how to write? What you want me to make it Panda Proof?
by Perfunctory Yeti April 3, 2014
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When someone is immune to being arrested by the police because they are too filthy to touch. Typically, this would be a skid row bum who stinks to high heaven that has pissed their pants and has a black alcohol turd smeared on their ass and is carrying everything they own in a shopping cart.
Unless the person is wanted for a mass murder, the police will not arrest or frisk such a person nor place them in the back seat of their cruiser to smell it up.
Hey partner, I don't care if that filthy bum stole that bottle of Thunderbird, as far as we are concerned he is arrest proof and he can walk!
by warnhubb September 23, 2006
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When you make a claim that is virtually only listing facts whilst in a debate. Origin: a tank is pieced of metal sheets that are connected to each other with studs and welding seams. The facts used as an argument in a conversation are seen as the metal studs and the welding that keep the tank together.
Bob: "...and that's why gay men have a 200-time bigger probability of getting H.."
Melvin: "Tank-proofing! Tank-proofing! Hate facts! BIGOT!!"
by Burt Milhorse Eriksson June 14, 2021
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