when an unstable female to be in a relationship in is in a solid relationship and doesn't have to be worried about anymore, mostly used between male friends
"damn, did you hear sheila got nutter nabbed?"
"thank god, that bitch be crazy"
by Big_Buddy May 30, 2017
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Better slow down man, Nab Jones is parked on that side street.
by Woody Thomas January 22, 2006
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Similar to "shake that bear," it means to engage in some sort of sexual activity that is up to the listener's and speaker's interpretation.

To say you "nabbed that biscuit" implies that you got what you were looking for, e.g. pussy.

It can also be used as a powerful statement of encouragement equivalent to "man up" or "get it, get it."
Guy 1: Yo bro, what'd you and that slampiece end up doing last night?
Guy 2: Boy you know I nabbed that biscuit.


Guy 1: Stop being such a fucking pillowbiter and nab that biscuit!
by Cubonebone February 4, 2010
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An exclamation or interjection used to excuse theft or grabbing. It must be said before the object is taken. To avoid having one's possessions Nab Citied, one must declare that they are un-Nab Citiable.
Guy 1: "I just got a ticket to the chocolate factory! I can't wait to go!"

Guy 2: "Nab City! That ticket is mine!"

Guy 1: "Nooo!"
by lemondrop10 September 16, 2010
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When you charge a ridiculous amount for gas money
Keegan charged me $30 just to drive me to the mall, he was gas-nabbing me!
by Bottles_The_Destroyer January 5, 2015
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A nickname for a friend named Nabila who will go to a restaurant and order the largest meal on the menu and then only eat 10%
Went out for breakfast the other day, the girl I was with was such a 10% Nabs
by Tarryn W May 7, 2013
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