To be caught with child pornography, or to be caught having been involved in sexual acts with someone under theage of consent. Can also be used as a derogetary term to imply someone is a paedophile when in fact they aren't
"Did you hear that old man down the street was Mr Jonesed? knew something was up with him..."
by Uzumaki Mitch June 14, 2006
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Attempting to gain popularity or make a name for yourself by saying your name aloud, putting your phone number on your shirt, or talking about yourself in the third person.
This guy in the mall was Mike Jonesing; his phone number was printed on his t-shirt.

Guess who I saw at Wendy's?
Mike Jones!

Weezy Baby! Birdman J R!
by Newport Nuisance March 6, 2009
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Warren was into both dudes, so he became their Lucky Joneser.
by MegaMan2OO6 May 4, 2010
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1. To have a strong desire to go Indiana.
2. To have a strong desire to use a whip, find artifacts, and sleep with countless babes.
Dave - Did you see that hot Nazi chick?
Ray - Yeah man, I'm Indiana Jonesing to bust out my whip and show her a thing or two.
by Matt Kap June 12, 2007
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(N.) A sexual position in which a male performs oral upon another man, preferably in a high school bathroom.
Dude 1: I hope V.P. Mrs. Jones doesn't find out that Mike Jones was Mike Jonesing Isaac Cady again on school ground!
Dude 2: Me too.
by Thomas Bauer November 11, 2006
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Big full-coverage women's underpants
The wind blew up my skirt, but at least I had on my bridget joneses
by Gillygate August 12, 2006
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Used in the same way as the word "yearning."
Yo son, pass me the j, I'm mad jonesing for a hit.
by uro-feces August 15, 2006
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