An expression of annoyance, anger, or disgust (often used when making light of the situation) in the form of a guttural "aaaaaaaargh,” derived from an episode of the Saturday Night Live sketch "Sprockets" (starring Mike Myers as Dieter, the eccentric German talk-show host) that contained the feature "Germany's Most Disturbing Home Videos." The introduction of this sub-sketch featured an old man saying its title and then doing the guttural vocalization while moving his false teeth.

Abbreviated as “{sg}” in electronic communication.
Spoken: "We've been here for 10 minutes and nobody's even taken our drink order yet!"

"Lack of service! Aaaaaaargh!

Typed: "I woke up at 6:30 to the sound of the lawnmower outside my window. {sg}"
by Chris Fagan May 3, 2005
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I was on the wife beater last night and now i'm really growling aliens
by Alex, Brighton March 1, 2004
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That low, raspy voice girls use when they are being 'serious,' or when they want to be taken seriously, especially among themselves, especially but not only at the ends of sentences. If the information demands it or if the personal style of the speaker is a monotone anyway whole sentences can be intoned in 'girl growl.' There is no pitch on these sounds, just a low rasp.
"Then he was like 'no way' and she was like" breath quote, "'whatever,'" she girl-growled, looking very intently over her pink, pointed Barbie-glasses straight into Tiffany's eyes.
by 3ric September 5, 2007
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when a female is pleasuring a male in the art of fellatio and the male ejaculates in her mouth whilst simultaneously pinching her nipple with vigor. The female then will let out a growl and gargle semen in her mouth, making a noise similar to that of the Wookie, Chewbacca from the popular film saga Star Wars.
"Ah yes my dude! I indeed received a growling chewbacca when I ejaculated into that female's mouth just 3 moons past"
by The Big Bloke February 15, 2018
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to perform oral sex on a female whilst making a vicious growling sound. often used as preperation before giving her the barracuda
i growled the minge last night, and she loved the barracuda


i would growl the minge on her, but i wouldnt brag about it
by dingsquash May 2, 2008
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The growls your stomach makes before you need to defecate. It usually occurs when the stomach is upset.

Can also refers to farts released when the stomach is upset.
Ray: what is that horrible smell?
CJ: That was a growl-a-poo. I think those burritos made my stomach upset
Ray: Go to the toilet before you make a mess of my sofas
by glitterglamsparkles September 25, 2016
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A word used to describe the act of performing oral sex upon a female.
"what the fuck did you do last night dave!?"
"I scored a babe, pulled her pants down and had a growl at the badger!"
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