n. the degree to which a woman's breasts are flat.
All Isabella ever talks about is her flatness and how her boobs are nonexistent.
by synthetic_sushi December 17, 2018
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Person 1: do u know any flat people

Person 2: have u heard of faith Seidel
by Big boi 22 January 6, 2020
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When your being honest, not lying, dead ass
Caleb: no way you fucked her

Josh: nah I’m being so flat I did
by Catastrophicalstacybump July 17, 2022
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that is flattering
Boy: "Wanna go out sometime?"
Girl: "That's flats. I'm flyin solo."
by NinoBrown_NJC October 5, 2023
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Someone who is beautiful but will kill you if you get on their bad side. Generally happy, kind, and carismatic, but can turn mad in a matter oif seconds.
by Flats Daughter in law March 18, 2017
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When someone has either smoked marijuana to the point where they feel deflated and the possibility of physical activity is out of the question
When the weeds rank of dank makes you that way. The name comes from the above the influence commercial called "flat".
Other symptoms of being flat include being anti-social
That weed made Emily so flat yesterday, she couldnt even move her arms
by Rammy12 November 5, 2010
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The conclusion one comes to when looking at a women's body and her butt or chest is flat. The difference is told by saying if the front or back is flat.
We saw these sexy girls walking down the street. I wanted to talk to them, but then I saw they were too flat in the back.
by Sanityfan March 26, 2010
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