quantity of marijuana that indicates the supplier filled the bag with as much as could be held with five fingers. Usually results in a bit more than an ounce per bag--35-40 grams.
a five-fingered ounce is good for an extra weekend you can share with your friends
by WVbud August 1, 2008
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another word to replace kidding

to put all five finger in your girlfriends cooch
Person 1 "I got 8 grand selling my liver on the the black market"

Person 2 "You've got to be five finger fucking me."
by Raziel Kain February 5, 2008
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A general term for masturbation, both male and female.
Since no one will sleep with me tonight, I guess I'm going to go five finger disco.
by rel422 June 5, 2011
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When you dump hot sauce all over your hand and fist someone in the anus.
I Five finger dragoned him so hard in the anus that I don't think he'll we walking soon
by SatansFutileDeviant April 9, 2016
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The act of taking what is rightfully yours from your employer, with no intentions to pay for the goods.
I just frankie five fingered this sandwich and soda from the deli.
by Rashod August 3, 2008
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If you can fit five fingers, you get a discount
I got the five finger discount because that ho had a loose pussy
by Rihanyce November 26, 2011
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