Some damn strong ass weed, thas fo sho'
by kat February 7, 2004
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Refers to weed or women, anything awesome
weed: yo man, want to smoke some solid dank

women: tap that dank man

awesome: we had a dank time no doubt
by UrbanMinister February 3, 2011
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adj. Describing something really awesome, good, great, and just plain cool.
Dude, the pizza I had last night was dank.

I know some places to go that are pretty dank.

You, my friend, are dank!

by Paulis December 18, 2007
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yo dat shit is DANK!!

Her Hello Kitty bow makes her hair so damn DANK!
by anonymous111222357890 January 2, 2008
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1. is only the best of the best 2. good green weed 2. anything exceptional
maui wowie, G 13, I got some dank smoke or I got to eat the dankest food last night
by wej johnson March 15, 2003
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The male penis, or phallus.
"Oh dude, you should have seen in, my dank was hanging out and everything!"
by Hambonio May 25, 2006
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a skanky ass bitch who never takes showers
by lainey426 February 29, 2008
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