181 definitions by kat

hey brude sup?
by kat June 21, 2003
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a combination of bro and dude.....
instead of using bro or dude, say "brude....sup?"
by kat June 24, 2003
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Covered in all things geek; overwhelmed with geekiness. Related to: bukkake
When you're watching the Star Wars DVD extra features, playing D&D and IRCing, you're getting geekkake.
by kat November 6, 2004
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Fat Mike, El Hefe, Smelly and Melvin... just a great punk band.
13 Stitches, Liza And Louise, Linoleum, Leave It Alone, Bob, Brews, Moron Brothers, Don't Call Me White, Vanilla Sex...
by kat July 15, 2004
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A bastardization of the word lunchin, which then formed the term lunchbox to describe an individual who is lunchin hard. It was then evolved into the "brown bag" (as one may use as a vessel for lunch). If you are brown-baggin it, you are trippin out, acting stupid, wayy too high for your own good, idiotically smashed; a drunken fool.
K: For sheazy, you are crazy my bizzle.
M: I'm brown baggin it, forshaganoff!
by kat November 21, 2004
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The coolest chick to ever hit Middle Earth. She slay the Witch King, and got uber-Faramir. She's the uber-sheildmaiden with the uber-brother and uber-uncle. She also comes from the uberest of kingdoms, Rohan. Overall, she's complete uberosity.
Dumbass: Oooo Arwen's the best LOTR girl ever!
Smart Chick: Psh! Eowyn would beat her down anyday....and probably has!
by kat April 14, 2004
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