Short for bitch ass chicken fucker - someone whos a bitch and fucks chickens
a terrorist is a bass chucker and with goats
by Jack543210 February 11, 2009
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A mans love lance or spam javelin, used for urine and semen despatch.
My wank was of epic proportions, my old boy was like a wee custard chucker
by sam April 5, 2004
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A derogatory word for a red haired Irish woman.
That redhead broad Bailey from Ireland is a goddamn apple chucker.
by CapnMcDOOGLE March 28, 2012
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To exploit the video-gameness of an EA Sport's Madden game by consistently chucking the ball downfield every play and, unrealistically, scoring every time.
Eric: (Yawn) Oh wow, another 93 yeard TD pass. That's not even my longest play tonight.
Wally: AAAAH! You suck! This is gay! This isnt even fun! Screw you, you mad-chucker! Fuck this I'm gonna go play Animal Crossing.
by Bro Jonze February 12, 2008
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Yuppie scum:

Someone who would pay $600 for the leg of a foot stool just to make their arm tired (from throwing money). Someone who drives a Lexus because their aircraft carrier is in the shop. Someone who doesn't go to church on Sundays because they have the church air-lifted to their house. Someone who does not excrete normal human feces, instead they excrete caviar. Someone who flies to the moon's surface for the afternoon just to have a Bulgarian fondue lunch with Prince.
Bill Gates, Osama Bin Laden, Oprah Winfrey, Martha Stewart, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, etcetera.

"How many cash chuckers does it take to change a light bulb? None, they just chuck cash at someone to do it."
by del garaje February 17, 2006
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A way of saying ass fucker. Founded by Pat C.
"You are such a chass chucker"

"I would definitely chuck her chass"
by TheChassChucker February 4, 2013
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A radical protestor, typically young with piercings and pink hair
Colm: Did you hear? Emily got in trouble for throwing tomato soup over a Van Gogh painting?
Joe: What a soup chucker
by Orchyteyal October 17, 2022
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