487 definitions by sam

a person who is very 1337. Even more so than hash and t3ch and duke :)
th3hollow is so tight
by sam July 18, 2004
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a slang word for "brotha" or "my home boy"

derived from the word "nigga"

used as an in-offensive version of "nigga"
"what up nugguh"

"jim's my nugguh"
by sam March 16, 2004
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Possibly originating in the song Raspberry Swirl by Tori Amos, a raspberry swirl is an orgasm. A heart pounding, bass blasting orgasm in which heavy breathing and the words 'Let's go' are used.
I am not your senorita
I am not from your tribe
If you want inside her, well,
Boy you better make her raspberry swirl
by sam January 3, 2005
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i typed tounge and the spellchecker started beeping and flashing.
by sam February 24, 2004
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When two people are having sex in the snow and the male ejaculates on the woman's face, shoves her face into the snow until the semen freezes, and then grates it off with a cheese grater.
Hey man, I see that Jackie's face is still recovering from that white christmas I gave her three weeks ago!
by sam January 20, 2005
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The highest male voice; in speaking and singing, countertenors have the normal range of a tenor, but are able, by singing in falsetto, to go higher, into the contralto/alto range, mezzo-soprano range, and, with the great ones, into the soprano range.

They are usually assigned roles written originally for the castratos, yanking those roles away from the contraltos.
Is that a female alto singing...? It sounds different... it's probably a countertenor.
by sam October 29, 2004
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