Ahh guy, or even guy, is a term used when peers are meeting up. A variant of hello."Cha guy" is a variant of thanks, and "Reelax guy" is general banter.

Thanks Kingo.
And Jordan is a complete fucking retard.
"Ahh Guy"

"Cha guy"

"Reeeeeeeelax guy"
by Tatman July 17, 2006
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When Dominic trips over something, he says "ahh feck"...
-You pulled a "Dominic".
by Trucker hat January 29, 2017
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A phrase to say to anyone with the name "Leo"; implies that they have just done or said something stupid or silly. These Leos also tend to be feisty (and Russian).
*Leo makes a bad joke*
Everyone: Ahh Leo!
by Shackee April 29, 2022
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Ahh, ok. Basically something people will say when they can't think of anything else to say. Can be used in place of lol and :P
Person 1: I'm gonna go to the movies with Tara tomorrow, should be good.
Person 2: Ahh k
Person 1: After that I think we'll go back to my place.
Person 2: Lol
Person 1: You know you don't have to respond to everything I say with something meaningless.
Person 2: Ahh k
Person 1: You're a douche, stop that.
Person 2: Ahh k
by Turbophoenix October 18, 2009
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The sound made by a well endowed woman after unlatching her brasserie after a long tight day.
Man, it must have been a long day at work. I could hear Sue's Bra Ahh from the other room when she finally set the girls free.
by Spiffeee August 4, 2009
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When dissapointment takes you by surprise.
Upon finding a parking ticket "Ahh man, that shit faced cat cunt gave me a ticket"
by Sir Villhelm November 9, 2006
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