- noun
1. oral sex.
2. A sarcastic or patronizing title for a person. the
term originates from the post civil war era of the
United States of America. Sharecroppers who were
once slaves noticed only few added freedoms after
the abolition. The term simply replaced the
title of master when addressing landowners.
3. A form of address often placed at the end of a
sentence to emphasize sarcasm or disdain.

- verb
1. To perform oral sex on a man.

- adjective
1. Great.
1. - "I should drive, I can handle the car better."
- "Whatever you say boss."
by CamelBrickShirt December 7, 2006
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Taking your entire fist and shoving it into the girl's pussy
"Dude Jen is so wide i gave her the boss!"
by cornpop March 5, 2007
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Fellatio, more commonly referred to as a blow job or oral sex being performed on a man.
"Hey Jane, Boss me up."

"Dude, Stacey gave me some great boss last night."

"I had a terrible day at work. I need a cold beer and some good boss."

"Did you see the way she was all over him? She definitely bossed him up in the car on the way home."

"Dude, did you get bossed up?
"Yup. It was Bosstastic!"
by Jack Rabbittz April 26, 2010
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A highly respected, known person. Normally gang-related and his top of the line and runs things around his hood.
Slim Thug says he's "the boss of the south."

T.I. says "I'm what he never can be a boss understand me," in his song "Hello" on his CD "King."
by Memphis Born and Raised July 3, 2006
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To have achieved, done well on a night out
We bossed it last night
- went out, got cunted and survived until the end

Bossed my kebab
- ate all of the kebab quickly and efficiently
by Vapour February 18, 2006
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Hard final enemy of level or stage. Is more idffcult to kill/stop then normal enemies
I need to kill the final boss to win the game.

Bowser is the hardest boss
by manjoo June 6, 2003
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