1) a valid athletic sport that involves intense grapple and submissions mostly at ground level. highly entertaining and extemely competitive, athletic wrestling is a great sport. unfortunatly most athletic wrestlers are douche bags who dismiss the sports entertainment version as pure acting and "bullshit" despite the fact that theyve never taken/given a steel chair shot to the head or put anyone through/ been put through a folding put-away table.
2. wrestling (sports entertainment) a sort of glitzed-up version of the same sport wherein competiters require even more stamina and discipline as well as skills in the preformance arts in order to hang in. although the appeal of pro-wrestling is usually stoked with fictious story-lines and character gimmicks within the televised programmes, pro-wrestlers must train to take the same kind of blows they dish out as most impacts in-ring are all real. this is one wrestler who has been on both sides of the fence and can attest as to the validity of both forms of true athleticism. now all you wwe-hating, ground-groping douche-bags run tell that.
wrestling is an awesome sport weather its athletic or entertainment.
by TonyChavez July 12, 2008
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Wrestling is so gay you are basically humping other men on a mat. Like who wants to hump other men on a mat wearing a singlate. Why do people even wrestle like stop please it's awful .
Wrestler: wrestleing is not gay stop calling it gay

Other guy: um you are humping other men on a mat and you are trying to tell me that's not gay
by Jhon2468 January 27, 2017
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"Sport" in which fully grown men (and sometimes women) indulge in choreographed physical violence. e.g. wcw e.t.c.

Often misinturperated by incompetent youths -under the misconception that it is "cool" and "macho" to prance around a ring dressed in spandex grasping at another man also dressed in spandex- as real violence and repeated in the playground e.t.c.

Entertainment for blood thirsty, simpletons who cannot grasp the concept of reality and fiction.

A superiority complex based around a persons inferiority complex. Inferior as they do not have a high IQ and can only express emotion through violence and rage.

I know it seems narrow minded of me to attack "wrestlers" (a.k.a: BAD ACTORS)by implying that wrestleing is a homosexual act. This is not an attak on the gay community, yes: i am implying that wrestling is gay but only because i know that this will annoy the narrow minded, blood thirsty, incompetent individuals that gain a sadist pleasure from inflicting pain upon others. There is nothing wrong with homosexuality.
If u think that your a big man because you touch other men whilst wearing spandex, then thats your problem.
by x_X_x February 22, 2004
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Wrestling – An excuse for high school boys to wear leotards and rub vigorously up against each other. They work out to look cute for each other, and shave their body hair for, ummm, aerodynamics maybe?
“Look at the buns on that wrestler

“Yeah, I hope he makes our wrestling squad!”
by Plastic Cawk March 24, 2007
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although many people say it is the toughest sport out there, it really isn't. in wrestling, theres no chance of you being 200 pounds and being slammed to the ground by a 350 pound jacked guy. also, wrestling is 6 minutes, football is 60. if wrestling is so much more competitive and tougher, why isn't there professional wrestling (and i'm not talking WWE)
wrestling kid: ya im pretty good i can beat a kid that is built exaclty the same as me and weights the same as me
football player: im 250 pounds bitch, you wanna wrestle?
wrestler: oh shit...
by Kenny Fister May 1, 2009
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What the students in high school play during the winter season since they are too short and uncoordinated and pretty much just too un-athletic to play basketball.
Johnny sucked at basketball in gym class but decided to join the wrestling team so he could feel like he was worth a shit by taking other guys down on the mat without realizing he was a total fag! Enjoy the 20 people that come and watch your wrestling meets, Johnny!
by I ain't no whore June 20, 2009
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A sport in which people in it think its the hardest thing ever, until they have done other sports and then they realize that it really isnt harder or cooler than most other sports.
I thought wrestling was hard, but then swam across the ocean and it really isnt that hard anymore.
by w00000000000t December 21, 2005
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