(v.) The act of repetitively moving one or more limbs, that supports the rest of the human above the ground from the foot to the hip and is used for locomotion, back and forth swiftly to transverse distance at the rate of units of distance traveled per unit of time in n-dimensional space (where n is an element of integers and 0<n<4)
by lack_for_a_better_alias November 10, 2008
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A female that is very short. She is short enough to give oral sex with out bending over she can simply "walk on"
'dang...that girl over there is a "walk on"! '
by Awesomecoolguy December 14, 2008
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My friend and I were watching a Japanese movie and the subtitles said "I can still walk." I looked at the screen quickly and thought it said "I can still wank" (which, in British English, is basically masturbation, or onanii in Japanese ^_____^). Ever since then, "to walk" means "to masturbate."
"I'm going for a walk..."
"You WHAT?!"
by Chezzie December 14, 2004
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What happens when you try and front on 240 HB, and race him.
civic 1: why do you look so shocked?
civic 2: because i tried to race this busted-looking blue nissan pick-up with this crazy driver, and he walked on my sorry ass.
civic 1: damn, i better watch out for him.
by joe January 15, 2004
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To use the bathroom (urinate or deficate) and exit the bathroom WITHOUT washing one's hands. Essentially to "walk" out without washing your hands.
My boss is a confirmed shit-walker.

Dude, did you just walk?
by Kozar April 10, 2005
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What most people, especially children and teenagers, will do anything to avoid.
"Hey Mom, can you drive me to Alex's house?"

"It's only half a block away!"

"Aaaw, c'mon, I don't wanna WALK there!
by Claire D'Looney November 7, 2009
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