One who believes that innocent children being murdered in schools is less important than their second amendment being not completely removed but revised. Republicans like to rely and allow themselves to trust a racist and sexist man.
I’m and republican. I support trump so diddly darn you trying to revise my second amendment for the sake of children’s lives. I’m going to go and impregnate my cousin now. Did I mention I am A republican?
by 6minutesand20secondswithanAR15 October 22, 2018
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Why we dont have flying cars
We would have flying cars if republicans weren't afraid of change
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A political party in the United States of America that specifically caters to the rich, wealthy and super-wealthy (all part of the upper 1% income bracket), yet the poor, the working class, and the middle class still occasionally vote for them. This phenomenon can be attributed to the extensive propaganda campaign that is blasted at unsuspecting citizens from the corporately owned T.V., radio, and publishing media outlets, esp. Fox News. Their political agenda is to abolish taxes for the wealthy and offload the taxation burden to those who are least able to pay. This encourages a system of perpetual debt where the rich richer, the poor poorer, effectively destroying the middle class and imposing a new slave class a.k.a. wage slave or 'working poor.' To them 'freedom' means the ability to establish and maintain such a system (domestically and internationally) that benefits only the rich, wealthy and super-wealthy and their subsequent successors for generations.
Having the poor, working class, and middle class vote for a Republican is like having hens and roosters vote for Colonel Sanders.
by Emmanuel Goldstein 1984 March 31, 2008
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"We were looking at this wedding venue that's nice, but it looks so Republican. They had portraits on the wall of dead presidents. Ugh, I bet my Dad would love it."
by Muzzy1855 July 12, 2014
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American English. Political term. The nearest British English equivalent is Fascist.
He seemed nice at first, but he turned out to be a Republican.
by slfdkljds March 25, 2012
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The only group of people that believes everbody having guns to be safer than nobody having guns.
I was like, "Why does this guy buy a gun for his daughters 10th birthday?", but then I realized he was republican.
by rabarberbarbara January 26, 2016
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