A measurement of the time until a carton or bottle of milk will expire. Can be abbreviated to TMI. TMI is often used as a time frame for other events in life, it is an easy way to recognize that time has, is, and will continue to progress.
1) John said, "The Milk Index is high today, honey. No need to go to the supermarket."
2) As Melissa went to the fridge to get a pudding cup, Shaun yelled at her, "Hey Mel, check out TMI and tell me what you think we should throw it out!"
3) Two weeks before coming home from abroad, Michelle said, "I cant believe TMI is going to hit zero after I am back in the US!"
by The Milk Expert May 15, 2011
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A man who spends all his free time on the internet, trying to pick up girls.
Oh you, you're such a stupid misery index, dont you have any REAL friends?
by Endorphin October 18, 2003
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The danger of developing hushpuppies. The higher the temperature and more humid the day, the higher the hushpuppy index.
It is so freakin' hot and muggy today, the hushpuppy index must be off the scale!
by MikeinOcala June 23, 2008
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Is the systematic cataloging of persons of interest for later use as masturbation fantasy fodder. Elaborate indexes can be cross referenced by type of body, hair color, size of breasts ( if applicable ), bi-sexuality, sexual acts you envision them doing etc.

In public it can be referenced as " MI-File " pronounced MY-File
Masturbatory Index File example---"Those two women were so hot I added them to MI-File--and now they are bi-sexual and I'll be seeing them later tonight"
by knight1to1 August 2, 2009
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A numerical scale (from 0 to 10) by means of which variables, such as age, level of hotness, dating demand, level of horniness, family background, and boob to waist ratio, predicts how many dates and monetary investment you will need to score with a particular broad. It predicts with astonishing accuracy when the female will open her legs for you.
Yo... have been dating Suzie 4 times straight.

Have you scored yet?


So? What´s the point?

I´m cool Bro, Ease of Opening Index predicts no more than two dates and the gates will open for me.
by rperazag May 21, 2010
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A person's domestic volume index is a measurement ( 1 - 3) of lifestyle value one individual takes in a common living environment either workplace or domestic.

Examples of people who have a high domestic volume are middle aged women, artists, hyper active people, annoying people, gay dudes, drag queens and Oprah.

The scale measures as 1 = one average person's domestic volume, 2 = the volume of 2 average people and 3 = the volume of three people.

The only two people to have measured 4 on the index in recorded history are King Henri the VIII and Paris Hilton
FRANK: OMG Johnny, have you met Matt's new GF? she's got a domestic volume index of 2.8

DENNIS: Ah dude, he's in for a bumpy ride.
by TimThomas June 12, 2009
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Organizational Feedback Index refers to the scientific concept of measuring employee empowerment numerically. It further obtains perception of the organization towards feedback through a well defined algorithm.
How can I know how much employee empowerment exists in my organization?
You can apply Organizational Feedback Index to compute it.
by Universe213 May 6, 2020
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