The act of pondering which of your testicles was responsible for the creation of your child.
Johnny went through extensive testicular questioning wondering whether his right or his left testicle created Johnny Jr.
by DeShawn Drib April 10, 2005
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The act of deliberately assaulting someone with your, or any other individual's, testicles.
I just got out of prison for testicular battery, after I killed your mom five years ago.
by Sodomy boy June 17, 2010
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the exact opposite of testicular cancer... When a gay norwiegen dances on your balls.
my nuts hurt from ordering that testicular dancer last night
by rugerandcodie December 15, 2010
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A fake condition that can be used as an excuse to get out of things.

Originated from South America from urinating in exotic rivers, ponds, lakes etc.

The worms travel up the urine stream through the urethra and into the testes. Then they eat away at the testes until there is nothing left.
Friend that isn't really your friend but thinks he is: "hey man are you coming to my birthday party on Saturday?"

You: "Dude I would but I have an appointment that day for my Testicular Worms"

Friend that isn't really your friend but thinks he is: "oh that sounds pretty bad man. good luck with your fight. Totes ok that you cant make it"

You: "Thanks"

*Testicular Worms win*
by DeathlikeJaguar November 26, 2009
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"Man, you're giving me a testicular migraine... you're a pain in my balls"
by T3CHNOLOG1C March 21, 2020
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That took testicular fortitude to stand up to you boss like that!

What a woosy, he has no testicular fortitude.
by Ostee September 1, 2010
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Another way to say you assume that somebody gave up or got back down on their knees to stay there forever.
The bubbly, mouthy girl thought the guy had testicular resignation or that he got castrated by her when really he was still going and still fighting her, and he wasn't going to stop.
by The Original Agahnim October 27, 2021
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