Probably one of the most unusual and most interesting personality types you will ever find. The Stiffie Steve (Stifferific Steve as it's known in scientific terms), has been described as being similar to a dog with it's pink thing hanging out. By this, we mean that a Stiffie Steve will generally hump anything that isn't nailed down.

Stiffie Steve's natural habitat is club X (porn store). The centralised locations of these stores have been advantageous to the survival of Stiffie Steve.
"Dammit Stiffie Steve, get your tool out of my sister!"
"For the last time, if you're going to make a mess on my couch Stiffie Steve, you're not staying over again..."
"Didn't you already have a wank like 5 minutes ago Stiffie Steve?"
by StiffieSteve May 29, 2008
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one who "chugs" or quickly swallows a "stiffy", aka boner, hard-on, wood, tube steak, skin flute, or for those of you who are still in the dark, an erect penis; blowjob

can also be used via chug my stiffy or i got my stiffy chugged
"does she give good head?"

"yeah, she's a damn good stiffy chugger"
"yeah, she chugged my stiffy"
as an insult

"chug my stiffy!"
by wimbo October 8, 2009
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The result in a female's panty area when a heightened state of sexual arousal is achieved.
"When Hugh Jackman ripped his top off in X-Men, I got a right lady-stiffy, I can tell you.
by Eema Braazkumov November 29, 2013
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A girl so ugly that she immediately deflates a perfectly good hard-on by simply looking at you.
Things were going good at the party until, Rita brought her stiffy killer friend Bertha, and it was all down hill from there.
by J.B. Trevor March 17, 2008
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when a person of the male gender has a large erection (stiffy), and needs to urinate , cannot sit down due to the stiffness,and unable to point his "stiffy", down all the way to make the urine into the toilet, he must stand on his tippy toes to get the right angle to urinate into the toilet . ussually takes place in the morning or right before sexual intercourse.
bro, had a stiffy this morning that wouldn't go away, had to stiffy and tippy it before my bladder exploded .

sorry for peeing all of the toilet , didn't realize I had to stiffy and tippy it until it was to late.
by Erewflow July 3, 2013
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When someone is sleeping, get at least 3 men to give them anal sex.
Hey!!, when he is sleeping, im gonna give her a steakhouse stiffy. That will get him back from last halloween.
by Beast from da middle east December 19, 2010
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A sex activity where the male gets a bone and puts 2 piece of wood or metal on top and bottom of the penis keeping it as stiff and straight as possible then putting it in the vagina and jimmieing his dick like a lockpick inside with a very fast forward and backward motion
Person: dude why is your cock so straight?

Me: oh me and my girl do the stiffy jimmy daily
by Habernero March 1, 2021
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