Slang for someone, usually a filmmaker and especially a director, who makes boring, shitty products that appear to be meaningful on the surface... but are actually shallower than a fucking kiddie pool.

Named for the esteemed director who somehow fucked up a Batman VS Superman movie.
"Ugh, I hated that movie. The director is such a Hack Snyder!"
by TaxiFred March 10, 2018
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A man who will only settle conflict through lawyers because he is tremendously scared of his surroundings; someone who may be a very large man who is often overpowered by his small dogs; a douche bag; someone who may work for a Canadian institution of some sort, yet still claim to be patriotic; a man who may be too scared to climb up a ladder; a selfish prick
"hey man are you okay? Why are you on the ground?"

"my two small dogs just overpowered me right next to my BMW 5 series which I'm very protective of even though it's not that nice."

"wow your such a snyder"
by Brobrobro111222333 May 13, 2010
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The man who currently holds the world record for smallest measured penis. His name can be used as a general insult for someone with a small penis.
Dude, you're a total Drew Snyder.
by Detective Cactus June 7, 2017
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Commonly used to describe a large Jewish nose or Micro erection
Wow bro your girl said that you pulled an Adam Snyder last night.

Dang bro that knows be as big as Adam Snyder
by Jonel the gangster April 6, 2018
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To feign ignorance about knowing who someone is.
Are you Bill Snydering me? I know you know who Carl Weather's is.
by Verne Perm July 2, 2018
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Any task/project/assignment an individual is incredibly proud of due to profound passion.
I hear it's really good. She's calling it her Snyder Cut.
by Lordvader13 March 15, 2021
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