1)Someone who is constantly using your shit, copying your homework, bumming rides, or borrowing money but never pays you back. Also known as a scam.

2)To borrow from someone.
1)person: dood give me your homework.
me: your a fuckin scrape

2)me: hey man can i scrape some cash im broke.
by Andy1524 January 24, 2008
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(v) Short form of 'screen scrape': To employ a variety of methods to steal content from a web site and represent it in another manner.

Generally seen as bad practice, but in widespread use. A bot can be used for such activity.

(from 'screen scrape', a technique used in the early days of terminal computing to read directly from terminal video memory)
Most of this content is automatically scraped from other, more legitimate sites.
by stuart@edesign.cc January 22, 2005
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A nasty vulgar euphemism (almost onomatopoeia) for abortion.
He said he'd marry her if she got rid of the sprog. So she had a scrape and he dumped her.
by SwiftSix July 18, 2005
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adj: Used to show approval of something or confirm that something is good. Interchangeable with wicked, mint etc.

Use in conjunction with classic booyakasha hand gesture for improved emphasis.
For Example:
Bill: I pulled a bare buff girl last night, she was at least an 8, with BNTs
Sam & Jack: Scrape!!!!
Rob: LOL
by Rob0108 November 14, 2005
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A scrape is what happens when you're sitting too far back on a toilet seat. You then shit and the outgoing turd log scrapes against the rim of the seat leaving a brown buildup of shit-sludge.
I don't want to be rude, but I went into the bathroom right after Julie and first, it stank like two horses had anal sex after a each having a big meal and two, there was a scrape on the seat.
by Torbert July 31, 2019
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a young lady that clamins to be a flert but every knows she is the town ho
you cant turn a ho in to a house wife!
aka a scrape
by RoErob March 20, 2009
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Gassing and breaking your car repeatedly really fast so that the front and rear bumpers "scrape" the pavement; while going hyphy
"Now scrape (SCRAPE) scrape (SCRAPE) scrape (SCRAPE) scrape (SCRAPE), put ya stunna shades on..." - E-40, Tell Me When to Go
by EmDub April 14, 2006
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