3 definitions by SwiftSix

A nasty vulgar euphemism (almost onomatopoeia) for abortion.
He said he'd marry her if she got rid of the sprog. So she had a scrape and he dumped her.
by SwiftSix July 18, 2005
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Ball Lips - Labia (beef curtains/lady's downstairs lips) that are made from the remains of the scrotal sack after a gentleman decides to undergo the op and become a lady.
Go on Lewis show us yah blips.
by SwiftSix June 20, 2005
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To stick ones finger up an arse, either your own or someone elses, and to then smear this finger and its contents under the nose of the victim. This gives them a moustache of shit - or a ratty tash.

Victims can be lulled into the act by asking them "What does this smell like to you?"
When Sweetman was younger he gave his entire family a ratty tash on Christmas Day - the mucky bugger - using the old "What does this smell like to you?"
by SwiftSix June 20, 2005
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