A phrase used to say that queer activism and lgbtq+ rights are important and should be recognized on a daily basis
by veryuglycarrot November 22, 2022
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people want it to be something of celebrating being part of the LGBTQ+ but in reality, it was made to profit off of them
Person One: Yay it's pride month.
Person Two: Dude I really don't fucking care.
by manoffeel June 5, 2022
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Pride month is a bunch of fruits running around in the streets waving flags with colors on them they have a lot of different kinds of people there is the people who like children the people who over sexualize everyone and everything the people that are just there to support the ones there because they choose to support themselves and a bunch of other things that are just the same damn thing
Normal Gay dude: hey its pride month
Child predator: oh cool ill be there
Person who thinks they are an animal: im gonna piss in the street i front of minors
The kid who's mom made him go: is that crown covered in aids positive blood
by Man of many names June 7, 2022
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A 4-week time frame where vaguely "woke" corporations change their LinkedIn logos.
Check it out, it must be pride month! The only reason I know that is due to Coca Cola's temporary logo!
by Cholo Financial Planner July 6, 2021
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