3 definitions by Goth Doll

A holiday that is basically the same as Halloween and New Year

1) Uncomfortable social gatherings

2) Kids begging for sweets + money

3) Shops selling cheap tat that goes in the bin afterwards

4) People getting dressing up to look stupid

5) Fairytales people say are real

6) Themed music and movies

7) Crap jokes

8) Christian pedofiles telling everyone they meet theyre excited its that time of year again
Christmas that magical time of year. The 'magic' has nothing to do with a high blood alcohol level.
by Goth Doll November 1, 2023
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The date in 2023 when attention seeking femboys dress up in what they call 'goth' (cheap shit fake leather jacket and matching cheap shit jeans) to hang around malls and shopping centres to put 'curses' on random people. This involves staring at them hard sometimes following them around harrasing them. Sometimes have a girl with them, their 'witchcraft' 'sister', though neither of the two dumb teenagers know anything about witchcraft. The think theyre cool but theyre just showing themselves up for the dumb kids raised on Tik Tok they are.

They can't do this on Halloween because they have school and if they knew anything about witchcraft theyd know curses have to be cast on Halloween not 3 days before.
Let's not go shopping on 28th October 2023
by Goth Doll October 28, 2023
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Minecraft server where all the players are bots meaning their script runs out eventually so they start again. Leads to repeat conversations in chat and mayors re-inviting players to their town because they dont even remember kicking them out a few days ago for a 'serious offence' (these Roblox kiddies are nuts they even hold 'trials' for breaking 'the law' that are dumb af). Also claim griefing is 'illegal' but they'll quite happily grief your build if they ('the community') decide it shouldn't exist. This is done by asking mods (who 'the community' have in their pocket) to remove the build using worldedit.
EarthMC is people who should be playing Geopolitical Simulator instead of Minecraft.
by Goth Doll October 27, 2023
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