Someone who smells like a cross between shit and fresh dick.
Damn, girl! You smellin' like poonis!
by Bryce Craftmaster March 8, 2003
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(noun) The word for a distended stomach or belly the result of over eating.
"I've just eaten a huge Lasagne, look at the size of my poonis"
by Duvet McTiny McTavish May 23, 2003
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The sticky,sweaty,itchy area between the penis and anus.
usually quite smelly,hairy and wet.
jesus my poonis is 5 cm in length! and smells like bigfoots dick....
by George Kingston November 17, 2005
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When you shove your penis in a piece of poo.
Yuck he just did a poonis!
by treeko11 December 13, 2007
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A large frozen piece of poo used to bang a female or male orifice.
Cecil: "Hey Gretchen, grab the thinga mabobber out of the ice box and come ram me with it."

Gretchen: "Oh dear. I guess it's poonis time!"

Cecil: "Nothing but a bit of choco lipstick!"
by Teriaki? March 26, 2009
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A Poonis is a gay mans penis under certain circumstances.

After gay intercourse, if no condom is used, it is possible that ones penis will be covered in poo/fecal matter. Hence, poonis.

Brett: Hey bro wanna have gay sex tonight?
Ethan: Nah, I don't want a Poonis.

by Jimmy119 September 22, 2008
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