Guy 1:I’ve never played Skyrim
Guy2: the fuck? Have you played far cry 3?
Guy 1: hell yeah!
Guy 2: it’s like that, with swords
by Gingerbreadbedhead January 22, 2022
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When you get shot in the knee; by bullets, arrows, etc
“Bat, you shot him in the knee!”
“Hit in the knee, GET SKYRIMMED!!!”
by LOOZEit2STEVE September 28, 2020
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When an individual performs a rim job to another individual while skydiving or base jumping.
guy 1: "dude I totally skyrimmed this chick last night"
guy 2: "really? Did you sexually transmit jet lag?"
by everydayimskyrimmin November 2, 2011
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A sexual position wherein the skyrimmee takes off clothes and underpants and hangs from a bar. The skyrimmer then stands underneath and administers analingus as the recipient swings in the wind.
John tried skyrimming Pete, but was too short to get his tongue that high up.
by Cubbance November 11, 2011
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The act of giving a rim job to someone who is elevated in the air, either by you holding them up, or other means.
"Did you see Dave giving Anne some Skyrim?"
by St3rn44 November 11, 2011
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