A sad bum.
Friend 1: did you hear the news?
Friend2: no. What is it?
Friend 1: Marley is a sad bum
by Ya_Boiiii_i DONT know November 3, 2019
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An amazing person overall. Will always forgive and is a total cunt
prsn1: wow is that a Marley?
prsn2: wowwwwwww she be thicc
by onefatcunt October 17, 2018
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Verb: the roots of this word lie in the legendary song 'Jammin'' by Bob Marley - It refers to when something is Jamming, or has been jammed and can be adapted to spread across tenses.
That damn CD is marleying again!

I like my toast marleyed..

by Luna Blanco July 27, 2008
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Jamaican god of reggea music whose joint is still smoking decades after he left us alone on earth.
BMW: Bob Marley & the Wailers
by Ten Mile June 18, 2013
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A Reggae God and the favorite son of Jamaica; popular from the 70s through today; most people associate him only with marijuana although his music is really incredible; political activist, rastafarian, ghetto rebel
A major problem with todays uptight society is that his music is written off as the rantings of a stoner, when in fact it really his songs spread the message of a rebel and activist
by anon. July 18, 2003
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Anybody who writes off Bob Marley's music as the "rantings of a stoner", is either so closed-minded they will make judgments about things they know nothing about, or is simply stupid. Either way that person is fool #1.

Bob Marley was a great spiritual geezer, a wise man. He was outspoken about politics and spirituality, among other issues. He was originally a member of the Wailers, the nucleus of which was himself, Peter Tosh, and Bunny Wailer (aka Neville Livingston).
Bob Marley 1945 - 1981
by Nigel Tufnel February 8, 2005
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Slang word for marijuana derived from Bob Marley (like its his) and Barley. Which is a plant that when dried and crumbled looks similar to shake.
Guy 1: Dude i just bought a sack of MB!!!!

Guy 2: Hella dog I love Marley Barley! Let's toke!
by coolguy1212 September 20, 2010
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