Origins in Jamaca and deeply rooted in africa culture, this religion was the medium for those who opposed the oppression of Babylon, to speak out and live a rightious life as it is written, whilst beeing proud of their own roots and movements.
Rasta eat a diet of veg fruit and fish, keep their bodies mind and sould healthy by staying active in global issues, and moving to brake the shackles of Babylons oppression. One method to this freedom is Ganja, which is believed to have gorwn on King Solomons' grave. Ganja lets the Rasta see what Babylon denies because of their greed and corruption. (Babylon refers directly to white oppression against the black ppl at the time of this movement; and now represents global oppression and repression).
Rasta eat a diet of veg fruit and fish, keep their bodies mind and sould healthy by staying active in global issues, and moving to brake the shackles of Babylons oppression. One method to this freedom is Ganja, which is believed to have gorwn on King Solomons' grave. Ganja lets the Rasta see what Babylon denies because of their greed and corruption. (Babylon refers directly to white oppression against the black ppl at the time of this movement; and now represents global oppression and repression).
"say I hear the voice of a rastaman say, babylon yo' throne gone down..."
I and I 'no one love; yag't one fear: JAH Rastafari
I and I 'no one love; yag't one fear: JAH Rastafari
by zebraboy November 19, 2004
A sect, originally Jamaican, whose tenets include revering former Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie, one of whose titles was "Ras Tafari." Also rasta or rastaman.
by cornholio October 13, 2003
A version of Ethiopian Christianity, popular among Jamaican blacks. The frequent smoking of Marijuana is supposedly a religious practice.
by Bob Marley March 31, 2003
by zoomzoomr August 1, 2008
I an' I touch Jah but Jah nuh like the funnyman. I an' I nuh like rastafarian as ism an' schism nuh irie.
by ll opl July 22, 2008
A common religion amongst black jamaicans that look up to the past Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie. One of their most famous acts is to smoke marijuana as a symbol of religious practice. To be rastafarian one doesn't have to be black in fact to be rastafarian it has to come from the heart. Another famous practice is that of dreads on their heart.
by daniel rojas November 18, 2004
A religion that focuses on reaching zion, bringing down Babylon, and worshiping jah Rastafari using marijuana to meditate.
Timmy: gee bob you are quite a Rastafarian with your cannabis sativa and your natty dreads.
Bob: thanks mon, praise jah
Bob: thanks mon, praise jah
by jahmama March 11, 2009