when one is jumping on a trampoline and one person is on the ground next to or close by the trampoline the person on the trampoline jumps really high off the trampoline and teabags the grounded person
did you see that?!? he was just leaping teabagged!
by ihaytu June 9, 2010
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Clicking a link from one blog to another, to another, to another and so on. This action usually results in the reading of blogs that you normally wouldn't search out on your own absent a link on another person's blog.
Kate spent her evening leap-blogging, and ended up reading so many different blogs that she couldn't even remember how she got to the last one.
by Katie L.A.S. May 11, 2006
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When you are in a three some and the guy cums and it shoots over one girl and hits the other.

Also called a sniper when it hits her in the Eye.
"I leap frogged that bitch last night and she was surprised."
by Anonnmys556677 March 30, 2008
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When you sit down to shit not knowing if the toilet roll will have enough to wipe it all. You've already undone your belt,pulled down your pants and sat down and then checked the roll. Will you risk it? Will you take the leap of faith?
''Man, scariest moment of my life, just took the leap of faith at my girlfriends house while meeting her parents, almost didnt make it, so close''

''Dude, I need help, just failed a leap of faith, come quick, stall 2''

''Fuck, that leap of faith I took today was closer than indiana jones trying to rescue his hat''
by Jove Salad November 13, 2011
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A man climbs to the top of bunk beds with his sexual partner on the ground with his/her legs open ready for insertion. The man then leaps off and attempts to land in him/her...usually resulting in a broken penis. Also known as The Peter Pan
"Dude I broke my dick last night doing The Leaping Leprechaun with Mary."
by tipemma August 28, 2008
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The point in a relationship when the man has so much faith in his partner that he will lay down on the ground while he is fully erect, and then have his partneer leap off the top of a high object, and with there legs pointed foward land on the mans erect penis. Hoping to get the perfect and ultmate penetration.
"Yo, me and my girlfriend tried the leap of faith. She missed and snapped my dick in half."
by OG SnowBone August 5, 2015
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The act of bringing a pinch of dip carefully from the tin to the user's mouth, WITHOUT DROPPING A SINGLE STRAND. For more of a challenge, try lengthening the distance from the tin to your mouth, such as (if in a car) reaching into the backseat and taking a pinch from someone else's tin. Once accomplished you will bask in an endless sea of self-pride and honour amongst your peers.
User 1(talking to User 2 in backseat): Dude, can I take a pinch from your tin?

User 2: Yea I guess so, that's a long reach for a pinch though, it's like a fucking LEAP OF FAITH!
by Guyceps March 16, 2008
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