sad pathetic little gimp with little to no pubes and should rot in a cold room with no light with out food.
"want to go for a round of JOBBY"
by Liam Nudd November 15, 2004
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Big pile of brown stuf that slops out from your anus. Sometimes after a curry it leaves your ring feeling fresh and spicy.
I ran to the lavatory and realeased some jobby from my anus into the toilet.
by Sir Hoggan July 11, 2003
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It's not just a job. Its my jobby.
by Stonal May 11, 2016
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1.A type of phallic symbol
2.The action of doing somting phallic
1.I got my jobbie stuck in my wanker
2.Get your wanker out of my jobbie!
by Shaft Ramrod May 8, 2003
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an item in which the name or function is unbeknownst to (or has been forgotten by) the person uttering the term
“I twisted the dilly-doo until the thingy lined up with the whosie-whatsit and wouldn’t ya know it. The dingus got all gashnitzed and gashnizzled and the jobby-joo went wizz-bang out the back. Please forgive me if I’m getting too technical for you. It’s just that I’ve been workin’ in the doojigger biz since I was knee-high to a whatchamacallit and I rarely interact with you civilians.”
by goose_on_a_roof October 15, 2020
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