(Pronounced; 'Gwop' )

pretty much used to replace a word meaning anything to do with an action.

Has been known to become overboard, and replaced most words, but still made sentences understandable.
"Yo man can you 'guap' me some cash for the pizza?"

"Yo I 'guaped' the boxes for you"

"I 'guaped' it"
by The Dan mon September 21, 2008
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To possess a large amount of money; to be rich. Usually advertised in the most ostentatious way possible.
Hey check out Clark's diamond-studded turtleneck.

Yeah, dude is definitely guapped up.
by young patron fan January 17, 2012
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He was guaped by that grenade.
That linebacker guaped the tight end.
by Ethan "GQ" October 29, 2008
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A handshake and/or high five in which money or "guap" is given or recieved "swap". The cash is usually in return for drugs and is typically done in a school environment in order to make the transaction as least noticable as possible.
"Did you see that guap swap dude!"

"Yea, I think we are the only ones who saw it, but Alex is probably giving Tyler 20 bucks for the pot he got off him earlier."
by mrurbantalk May 26, 2009
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Having Lots of Money having guap
Kels: yo bruh what we doing today
Clos: yo i dont even know but im guaped up
kels: me too bruh lets hit the mall
by praaa January 25, 2012
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Hip-Hop Hit Single By Rich Maserati Distrubuted By Sony Orchard, also Rich Maserati’s Instagram and Twitter Handle @formyguap
by Formyguap July 4, 2018
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