The situation of Iraq after a good ol' fashioned American FUCKING.
Vietnam anyone? fubar.
by Gnappy June 13, 2007
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Mocumentary about two Calgary skids who shotgun Pilsner, wreck shit, battle cancer and "Just Give'r!"
Fubar is the best film of all time.
by montrealdude November 11, 2003
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Fucked Up Beyond All Repair
Alt: Fucked Up Beyond All Hope of Repair
Something that by design, modification or happenstance is completely fucked up and cannot be set right.
"Jimmy-Ray so clumsy he could fubar a blacksmith's anvil."
by J E Walker April 30, 2003
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Used as the abbreviation for fucked-up-beyond-all-recognition. Often used in times of either triumph to explain the damage they have done, or loss for the damage done to them.
"Oh, man! That skater totally got fubarred when he fell off that rail!"
by NJ Pelli September 27, 2006
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It does not mean fucked up beyond all recognition...Fubar is German slang derived from the word "Furchtbar," which is the opposite of wonderbar... It means horrible or terrible!
wonderbar = this is good Furchtbar or Fubar = terrible
by amereminion November 8, 2010
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Acronym: Fucked Up Beyond All Reason.
The 2000 presidential election was completely FUBAR.
by wot!? August 20, 2003
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