with a deep insicion of the abstract this mc is redefining the borders of lyricisim. Although somtimes hard to take, when aproached with an open mind Dose is an astounding artist that stands alone.
by Anonymous September 26, 2003
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n. mixture of battery acid and (drug of choice here) prepared for injection intravenously by an unsuspecting victim junkie. Also could be a mixture of cocaine and heroin for intravenous injection.
The junkie died after she shot a hot dose.
by greedy tompkins July 22, 2004
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When someone baby doses, it means they're still using drugs, but they're using it in a smaller amount (or claim to be) just to get high occasionally.
Tonya: I baby dose now and again just for the taste...
by December 15, 2020
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Using utra small dosages not to trigger a psychotropic effect
We didn't want to get high or feel out of sorts, so we took turns nano-dosing
by emilejfagerstromiv December 11, 2018
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Scott: Hi its just Scott, im sorry but i wont be able to come to work today, im feeling to sick.

Alan: Gee you sound like shit, you must have caught a dose of the wog! rest up and we will see you tomorrow
by HawkGunner March 27, 2008
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To deliberately put someone under the influence of a psychotropic drug without their knowledge or consent. Most commonly used when referring to LSD. This can be accomplished by spiking a victim's food or drink, exchanging medications found in their home for the elicit substance in question, or by spritzing them in the face with a diluted preparation of the drug via a spray bottle.
Dude, I think I got dose raped at the Phish concert last night. I was just swigging on my hemp soda when all of a sudden I started hearing colors, seeing sounds, and tasting smells. Then I got really dizzy and threw up on my girlfriend.
by Boy_Howdy February 27, 2011
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A person from Chicago or a nearby suburb who speaks with the working-class Chicago accent. May be characterized by worship of Mike Ditka, a strong stance in the Cubs vs. White Sox debate, or first-rate knowledge on where the best pierogi can be found. So-called because of the tendency to pronounce "these and those" as "dese and dose". Sadly, this specimen is becoming rarer and rarer as the Midwestern accent is supplanted by more neutral accents.
-Hey Stosh, didja cyatch da Bears game lyast night? Buncha jokers. How'd we lose chree-nuttin ta Baltimore?
-Mikey, you are the biggest dose guy I know.
by IdiNaHui April 13, 2018
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