Similar to the Mexican Fly Trap. While on Spring Break in Mexico you bang a girl, pull out and jizz on her face. She wipes off, but misses a gobb of jizz that landed on the eyelashes of one eye. The girl falls asleep and awakes to the one eye being stuck shut due to the jizz becoming sticky and hardening overnight.
Did you see the Mexican Cyclops walking back to her hotel room with one eye stuck shut?
by Big D. Tampa March 7, 2011
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When you have nasty, sloppy sex (anal or vaginal) and then go to sleep without taking a shower. When you wake up in the morning, peel back your foreskin and look at your penis head on; the crusties around the glans make it look like a fried cyclops.
Bill's fried cyclops happened because of his mom's poor hygiene.
by dick thicksmith October 6, 2008
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I thought we were getting pancakes, but all we ended up getting was some Cyclops Bread.
by Stellasleepsonheads December 16, 2009
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The act of using ones penis as a putter during a round of golf.
That guy is putting cyclops.
by Who Are You 40 May 5, 2010
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While receiving oral sex, you sneeze and wipe it off with the back of your hand. Before climax, backhand your partner with said hand, and cum in partner's eye.
Chick was a freak, asked for the slimy cyclops while giving me head. Luckily for her I had a monster sneeze brewing.
by Bitch What?? July 11, 2008
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