Related to karma. People like to believe that when you do something kind and generous you will be rewarded. Similarly, if you've been a real douche (asshole) they believe that karma will cum and thrust his big black dick into your mouth. And CUM again. So what hapens when we get CUM all over our new sweaters without having done anything to deserve it? Thats when you get a douche credit. This means you've already been punished for your future wrongs, so basically a douche credit is a get out of jail free card which you show to karma when you do something bad.
Person A: Fuck dude, why did you just beat the shit out of that helpless grandma and break an egg on that jew's head?
Person B: I have douche credits and I'm gonna use them all! Biatch! Asshole!

(Person B gets hit by a car)
Person A: Fucking idiot.
by That Douche Dude June 22, 2009
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When you comment or like someone's statuses or photos, so that they will comment on your future posts.
Dude, 15 people liked my status! I guess I'm collecting all those facebook credits
by pornami February 10, 2011
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You are on the credit munch if you are combating the credit crunch by producing low cost tasty food on a budget.
"When you go shopping tonight don't forget that we are in the credit munch"

"credit munch dinner tonight kids !"
by ChicGriff March 21, 2009
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Positive balance of karma, based on you doing something helpful or positive for someone else without the person having the opportunity to return the gesture, either due to circumstances or because such returns are declined.
1)A: Hey dude, here's the notes I took from the lecture you missed yesterday.

B: That's great! How can I return the favour?

A: Well you can blow me, otherwise just chalk it up on my karma credit.

2)A: Man I must have quite a karma credit now for taking one for the team being the fall guy.

by Meaniesg February 11, 2011
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A piece of plastic that has demonic powers in its abiltity to keep a person in financial slavery for the rest of their life.
A credit card is donomic and should only be used when absolutely necessary or in an emergency.
by May 6, 2009
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The act of lending a female money with little prospect of repayment.

In the eyes of the lender, this increases the chances of repayment by sex.
Here girl, heres $50 for drinks. Pay me back whenever.

John's extending pussy credit like he's Bear Sterns.
by T. Polkinghorne July 25, 2009
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