Man, I wish I lived in Dairen, New Canaan sucks at sports!
by wkr September 22, 2007
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A town in fairfield county. Think greenwich, take away the cool people, add hot prude bleached blond girls, add the gay "drama" from the OC, and u get new canaan.
new canaan trys too hard
by greenwich is better April 20, 2005
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home to alll the rams who wish they were d-baggers.
d- baggers stink!!!!!!!!!!1
by Karl April 5, 2005
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Also home to the "risque" club, a group of kids that stand there and go, "how RISQUE am I" and making secret gestures. The phrase was started by the class of 2007 as freshman. They think that they are the coolest kids in the world because they can say that word and no one else can unless they are in the group, and if you do and you arent in the group then you are a huge fag. Basically, its the "n" word of New Canaan.
"Uh! Risque! How Risque am I!!!"
"Blos youre such a fag dont say that"
by Anonymous April 5, 2005
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new canaan blows nuts. dairen is way cooler. THE HANGING
We kill u in sports.
by D-Bagers April 7, 2005
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new canaan is a loser town that is full of loser people. they suck at sports and every other town in ct is better
someone who lives in new canaan: "i am wierd"
by new canaan May 5, 2005
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not very known even by towns bordering it such as norwalk, wich is probobly good for them. filled with stuck up adults, or adults who play beirut, not beer pong, along side their children. a shitty house right on south avenue with no proptery will sell for 4 million, like it was a great deal. the adults go to many coctail parties and fund raises, were they say they are suporters, yet it is really a compatition with the woman about who looks more anerexic. the teenagers cant wait to get out, and have nothing better to do then spend their parents money on drugs and alcohol, wich is to our benafit. if you arent a collor popper, you arent aproved of by many adults of the comunuity, thats a reasong why you will see alot of black in this town. be prepared to b bored out of your mind in this town!
new canaan and its people suck
by punk April 12, 2005
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