Honest without regard to hurting the person's feelings.
person #1 Doesn't this skirt look good on me?

person #2 Yea, if you like that "big butt look".
by KristiB June 25, 2005
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a phrase which can be used before or after a regular sentance. it makes your sentance much cooler.
for extra brutality, lets go to the shops.

for extra brutality, buy me some shit

lets go to school for extra brutality

Will: hey there charlie
Charlie:hey will give me your sandwich for extra brutality
Will: sure
by meeoereh December 13, 2010
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Brutal deluxe …

I did warn it may come …

Stalker boy

You waited meekly over a week to have a little smiling contest outside my house again (twice in a day) unlike the camera crew sket who has walked past begging for attention every day this week and last and the week before … maybe she will turn left one day and left again instead of right and right again .. but hey I’m the problem….

Obviously …..

Surprised it wasn’t hubby too like last week with the other unholy baby in tow. fence terminator true to form, her dog can only stop outside my house it would seem

Well trained

Bit like yourself Stalkie but couldn’t resist today could we
Twin flame energy

You love it, follow her less I’m sure but I get it in a similar way with people constantly staring from windows (cough cough) or trying to film me sunbathe through acute angles in broken fences like …

Just saying …

So …was chatting to spirt (and I don’t need the truth and clarity assurance device as much now… ) about people, humanity, morality .. people like you .. what happens if say they are lusting after another .. there spouse is doing the same … maybe both vibing off TF energy …obviously nobody would ever admit to this because people don’t do that or admit this shit to themselves .. let alone anyone else but can the say oh that’s bullshit quackery I won’t believe this pretend to hide their shame

Brutal deluxe … tbc
by LetsTalkAboutX January 28, 2023
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"the nurse fired her cold hands down my cary grants and gave the old town halls a squeeze. fuckin' maximum brutality man"
by frank pubes January 20, 2005
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The best game ever. Based on Heavy Metal and starring Jack Black. It comes out in the month of Rocktober and will melt everyone's face off. Also directed by Tim Schaefer.
John: Hey brosac can you wait for Brutal Legend to come out?

Greg: No! That gamnme is gonna melt my face off in Rocktober!
by goldnight101 August 29, 2009
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Sex with a lot of use of force and little sensitivity, caring or loving. Brutal sex may involve shoving, pushing, choking or throwing your partner or being thrown by them. There may be pain.

Brutal sex that is non consensual may be Rape or Sexual Assault.
DSK had consensual but brutal sex with Tristane's mother who claims DSK took her with the vulgarity of a soldier.


After brutal sex on the wedding night the young bride wept as she realized that she had married a cruel man who cared for little but his own gratification.
by Karma333 July 29, 2011
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