to run quickly or cover a large area in a small amount of time. Usually resulting in diving on the ground and getting floorburn
the volleyball player blitzed when she dug a cross-court ball.
by 9er September 26, 2005
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When someone calls doorknob after a fart the person calls blitz to fight back the game only end when one of the 2 persons touches a doorknob
Phil : spews gas out of his assshole

Nick: doorknob you sick fuck
Phil: saffeee/ (nick cutting phil off) to late you big dumb bitch!

Nick and phil beat the shit out of each other until one of them crawls to a doorknob to get a blowjob from Phil's mother and to end the game
by Girlypleaser July 28, 2017
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When two or more people are engaged in an arguement or a fight.
"Yo man, a couple of fools are blitzing down by the park. Ya wanna see?"
by Phoenix March 11, 2003
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when you and another person run to touch the door of the front seat of a car to get shot gun.
"oh hell no, blitz!"
*both dash to the car as fast as you can*
by shas May 26, 2006
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A situation in any multiplayer game where two or more players attack another player at the same time, thereby either leaving another player or players on their own, or by having all players attcking a single player at one time. This is only in a blatant situation; being hit by two people while in a mob isn't being blitzed.
"Dude, let's go blitz Carson. He has the most hitpoints left."
"Guys, no blitzing! Its every man for himself!"
by Sir Sniper May 28, 2009
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The act of consuming both alcohol and marijuana to achieve a unique combination of the two substances effects. When alcohol is consumed first this combination typically results in a marijuana high with more energy and less paranoia.
Last night we drank a 40 and smoked a blunt. I was blitz!
by k-dizzledanksta April 28, 2007
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When a guy is with a group of 5 or more girls and no other guys, he is said to be "blitzable". Another guy should then blitz him by tackling him to the ground.

Girls can be blitzed as well. This is not as common and is called a "party" by some.

Some people also argue that a guy only needs to be surrounded by 4 or more girls to be considered "blitzable."
Joe is sitting at a table of all girls. Someone should go blitz him!
by allowachick January 31, 2011
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