by EmSixTeen August 7, 2004
by AYB April 1, 2003
by auaiomrn April 1, 2003
When you do something naughty about 1-7 meters away from a teacher, depending on the circumstance, and you have no idea if they saw/heard you. It’s like paranoid schizophrenia on crack. You want to turn around and see if they saw. But you can’t. You're just stuck there, frozen. Your mates are telling you "sir is behind you!" and you’re just thinking about the punishment from this. You think about all your life choices leading up to this very situation. Then your heart sinks and you feel butterflies. Nearly fainting, you awkwardly, anonymously walk away slowly. He didn’t see you. You know he didn’t. But we do this anyway.
Jamal: fuck
Jimmy: bro miss yeet is behind you
Jamal: *extreme paranoia*
Jimmy: bro he's a gonner. Hes got paranoia. No coming from that now.
Can we get an F in the chat for Jamal there.
Jimmy: bro miss yeet is behind you
Jamal: *extreme paranoia*
Jimmy: bro he's a gonner. Hes got paranoia. No coming from that now.
Can we get an F in the chat for Jamal there.
by i out pizza'd the hut November 4, 2020
A disease that afflicts me and made me think for 3 years of my life that my left leg was longer than my right leg. Every time my phone rings I think it is the FBI. And every time my doorbell rings I think it is a giant purple dinosaurs that eats children.
by William Stephens May 15, 2006
by WEHATEYOUFUCKOFF September 2, 2008
by paranoid writer July 29, 2004