Eugene is a very nice, handsome young man. Who is loved by all. He is most loved by women. Good at everything he does. His name is very rare. He is a faithful man who can raise a family. Women go crazy for him so you should not introduce him to your Bestfriend because they start chasing him.
Eugene is well-born
by Lebronfan December 24, 2016
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A great person who knows a that a person with the initials HH is a school shooter
Eugene is great
by Hadrian H. April 24, 2019
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When your Electronics teacher completely fucks you over
You have been "Eugened" my friend

Person 1: Did you like class today?
Person 2: No i got fucking Eugened blud, ruined my entire day!
by buttcracker69 January 30, 2019
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The name of a person who is always clueless. They never know what they are doing, but sometimes they get very very lucky. They are confusing beings that must be stopped at all costs.
"Who is that dopey guy over there?"
"Undoubtedly, it is Eugene."
by BabajeeCorp March 7, 2021
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Born into a rich family, wears braces. Spits all over the place when saying anything with s or p. Has been shielded from negative things and is spoiled as shit. Is the type of guy to cancel plans with the homies to play Fortnite. Buys everything in every game he plays. Gets to school in a Mercedes with a chauffeur. Wears Yeezys, champion socks, supreme shirt, and Gucci pants. Has a Fivehead. Will get a house for passing school. Probably doesn't even need to work to live in the future. Hes very shy at first but as soon as you say anything to him he starts to flex and thinks your friends.
Did you see Eugene's new gaming pc? he got it replaced because It took longer than 2 seconds to start.
by Baggy pants February 1, 2020
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The absolute best character to ever exist. The KING of consent, understanding, caring, loyalty, and communication. He is the best *not even Disney* prince to ever exist. If you don't agree with this you have not seen the series and I feel sorry for you.
Eugene Fitzherbert is the only reason I haven't had a mental breakdown or hurt myself past the point of no return these past several months.
by AlbussyDumblewh0re March 24, 2021
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The thing nobody wants to be called.
More offensive if said maliciously
Person 2 is annoying you
Person 1 “Alright Eugene”
by Waffled_Iron March 16, 2022
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