by chain smoker 30000 April 8, 2016
Eugene is a cringeworthy male individual that will occasionally molest your mind with his behaviour and is typically seen munching crayons and eating candles.
by Toxicshock1001 March 14, 2016
by Eugene Temple June 5, 2019
by kcuf enegue March 12, 2016
Eugene is a common feminine or masculine given name that comes from the Greek εὐγενής (eugenēs), "noble", literally "well-born",1 from εὖ (eu), "well"2 and γένος (genos), "race, stock, kin".3 Gene is a common shortened form. The feminine variant is Eugenia or Eugénie
Eugene comes from the word eugenius meaning a genius
Eugene is a very intelligent quick-witted person usually always picked to be the teacher's pet usually voted to be most likely to succeed the name Eugene is involved in just about every important invention ever made if not on the Patton worked on the project at some point of this development
Eugene comes from the word eugenius meaning a genius
Eugene is a very intelligent quick-witted person usually always picked to be the teacher's pet usually voted to be most likely to succeed the name Eugene is involved in just about every important invention ever made if not on the Patton worked on the project at some point of this development
Due to the fact that most women love an intelligent guy most guys don't like the name Eugene because he probably took the girlfriend with his quick wit is easy for him to whisk a woman away from you being that he's most likely successful he probably can buy all the things you can't
by Space-age eulogy November 26, 2017
by Someone123459876 April 19, 2009