Another meaning for 'charge it tho'. To tell someone that it's enough.
Monalisa: Tobechi howfar your hand
Tobechi: It's blessed, it's blessed.
by datariesbaby September 22, 2022
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used by raz yahoo boys who have no direction
Person 1: This abokuta sun is hot o
Person 2: Its bless
by yjdyz75xdg October 18, 2022
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A hashtag used to boast about your lifestyle, possessions, or status in life, hidden behind the guise of being divinely chosen by God.
Sitting on the porch of my mansion and planning a vacation to Hawaii. God is good. #blessed
by Defining Junk June 4, 2020
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blesseded means to be blesseded about something really exciting
Natalia: “Im so blesseded right now”
Jack: “Me too bro”
by skinnipeen69 July 9, 2019
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The Christian way of absolutely exposing someone and sharing the truth about ones self for everyone to hear.

Yelling at someone with purpose.
Mrs. Smith was just blessing me up because I forgot to do my homework.

Olivia, she was absolutely blessing you up for doing that in church.
by shhheeeeesssshhhh May 4, 2021
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a fighting move. done by grabbing the opponent by the shoulders, looking them in the eye, and bending them over to knee them in the crotch/abdomen.
Man, did you see Mirek last night? He seriously gave that prick Vadim a polish blessing!
by octomil February 16, 2017
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To tell someone thank you very much for pointing out their own mistake.
Person A: "You've got some toilet paper stuck on your shoe".
Person B: "Well bless your little heart".
by FinnishSuperman May 10, 2011
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