Something I would like to have
Also an amazing way to wake up
I’m so depressed and want to have a bath and toaster combo.
by Ianyourgod April 13, 2022
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When you fart in someone’s hoody and throw there hood up and tie it
by N8tertot October 14, 2020
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Humorous term for a female who gets oreggo very easily.
One of da best ways to be a good buddy to a fellow bachelor is to warn him if a gal he's thinking of dating is a pop-out toaster, so that he can take precautions --- i.e., condoms, pulling out in a timely manner, carefully scheduling his lovemaking sessions in accordance with the gal's monthly periods, etc. --- against da unwanted pitter-patter of little feet and/or child-support payments.
by QuacksO October 4, 2018
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When one gets hungry he/she goes on a perilous journey throughout the realms of thier house. When one finds out that the perilous journey was a failure and will always be, he/she turns to the toaster in remorse. They subconciously grab a screwdriver and begin to pry at the bottom of said toaster. In turn discharging many delightful morsles of questionable food( getting the name) "Toaster Delight". He/she then consumes the discharged delight with a, shall i say, delightful smile.
Man1: What in the heck happened to my toaster?

Man2: Dude it was delightful!

Man1: What was delightful?

Man2: That toaster delight i just had.
by pop it for p December 6, 2009
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a hairy male that is very hot as in heat so don't get the wrong idea you big perv.
by penis love96 June 20, 2011
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When sexual intercourse occurs in a stand up tanning bed.
Bonus points: Coitus in laying down tanning beds (yes while closed). EXTRA BONUS POINTS: Contracting AIDs from the sorry excuse of a human who is tanning with you.
Those oompa-lumpas from Jersey Shore were the originators of the BRAZILIAN TOASTER.
by slutface1 May 14, 2012
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