Intravenous drug addicts use this term as slang when they are referencing drug use - shooting up bath salts & heroin together, mixed into one dose, in a syringe(also known as speed balling) *Dirty-Monkey*
(One addict talking to another) "Yo, you want to do a Dirty-Monkey?"
by Dirty-Monkey May 21, 2022
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What happens to your arms when you are continually patting yourself on your back...
John had monkey arms after he finished his project.
by scooter133 June 15, 2016
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Experimentation via trial and error,

or the act of throwing poop at a wall and seeing what sticks.
friend 1: "hey bro, let's go do some Monkey science."
friend 2: "that's a great idea, let's go make some scatological discoveries!"
by big whisker July 5, 2023
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the best thing to ever happen to the jungle since tarzan left
and moved to australia . can only be seen at night feasting
on the flesh of the ninja gremlins that live under the ugdabugda smogady boo tree. they will decapitate with there face if they see you with there night vision nipples.
the queen shits out the babys who then fuck her so they

can live on.
gremlin1: have you seen the ninja monkey

gremlin1: oh shit they stole my lungs
gremlin2:lol no really dont give them shizzle or they will
fight back.
by ninjamonkey101 June 1, 2011
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Ballsacks from big monkeys with a lot of testicle hair
Jimmy: Tyrone has big hairy monkey balls
Tyrone: Thank you Jimmy
*they proceeded to fuck for 3 days straight*
by jongWITHtheSHLONG April 6, 2023
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Put a banana in a sock, mash it up and put it in microwave for 20seconds. When done put it over your penis and start masturbating.
(20 secs only so you dont burn your knob)
I'm going yo get home and have a mashed up monkey
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