You say this when you are too damn lazy to say no
Boy 1...Hey you coming to the party?
by Sad time waster November 15, 2019
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A possibility in the Near future. It could probably mean ask nicely.
Person1- Yo you hungry?

Person 2- Nah, will let you know when i am though!
by Graft August 23, 2022
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hood or ghetto way of saying no.
Maya- you going to the store? Kayla- nah
by erhshs January 4, 2022
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When Luke's GF is under the impression that Luke is monogamous, when in actuality "Mehdi Zidar" owns 100% stake in Luke.
by LOUIS CAPRIZE February 7, 2022
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People be telling you to do a bunch of stuff and it's like "Nah, dawg... I don't want to do any of that."
People "Blah blah blah you gotta do a responsibility! Blah blah hard work and doing stuff!"

Hym "Nah... I like sittin around and whatnot... Give me money and booty please."
by Hym Iam May 14, 2022
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Not doing any of that shit. The plan remains the same.
Hym "Nah, I'm not trying to change your mind. I already told you what is going to happen and what you were going to do. The surprise isn't in your response; it's in the fact that I was right. Good job me. GoOd JoB oThEr Me!"
by Hym Iam June 8, 2022
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